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Party Jack Page 3


  Miguel stood, back in control of himself after being blindsided by Jack's wife. His smile was genuine. It had been decades since he had bedded Estelle yet the memories were warm and she knew that she was one of the few women that could enable his eclectic tastes.

  Jack tried to surprise her by applying a familiar pat upon those wholesome hips uninvited and from the rear. Her reaction was a surprise as she turned her head around and smiled at him for the first time during the day and contrary to the icy mood she had set over the last several days. No one knew the complexities of Estelle, and loved them, as Jack did – he wasn't surprised. The message was clear – she was bored with the monogamous relationship. She was gone, her clothing morphing into a pretty sky blue short summer dress as she retreated through the same door that she had used to enter the kitchen with a nonchalant wave for both men.

  Monogamy had it's place. It was found that children fared best when home pressures were reduced and love was plentiful without shadings. When all was well the children were best able to concentrate on their learning. With basic needs plentifully met with autonomous unlimited supply Earth's citizens had to work hard to make a mark. Arts and technology masters had to absorb quite a bit of background before someone or a group could advance those disciplines in the 342nd century.

  Sex was used to fight lethargy. Earthlings had still not met an alien race that could compete or cooperate with them. They knew, from Rupret, that alien civilizations existed further toward the center of the galaxy but further out in the arm, the direction Earthlings had been developed to explore, nothing was found beyond animals. Communications had nullified wars and the excitement they generated; there was no government as such but votes were managed by the AIs and the consensus, when the facts were known, never resorted to murder. Money didn't motivate people but an opportunity to advance science or art did. The only thing left to satiate the animal need was sex but it had to be balanced with the needs of children.

  Almost all of the population opted to explore new systems on the generation ships. There was only a ninety seven percent chance of surviving a star trip. What they found on arrival would be a surprise. Training in basics needed to establish a civilization were different than those needed to maintain Earth's civilization. Physical labor, satisfying in and of itself, was needed. Interstellar travel was exciting and unscripted for everyone.

  Miguel suggested a walk. As the men traveled the level dirt road, which perpetually remained unrutted and weedless even though heavy wheeled vehicles occasioned a trip along it, they rounded a corner onto a straightaway spotted with shade. They picked up their pace and were jogging and then raced to the obvious end point atop a hill less than two miles away. Jack inched ahead and wondered if Miguel let him win when they reached the top of the hill. The view to the left dropped off and beautiful naturalized lands stretched to hazed infinity.

  "We aren't far from Fred's house" Miguel said with an inclined eyebrow.

  "OK, let's check it out" Jack replied. Fred was hosting the party for this evening. Fred was also located over a travel node. Although building restrictions had been agreed upon for the surface the underground allowed for all the advanced trappings of a civilization that had endured for hundreds of centuries.

  A mile further up the road they took a side road to the left and several hundred yards further along they took another left onto a curving drive. Soon they rounded a corner to view the home of Fred and Barbara. There stood the replica of the home displayed in the still popular show 'The Beverly Hillbillies'. Not the mansion but the cabin.

  Miguel knocked on the front door, the only door, and it cracked ajar on it's own. Opening the door further garnered an ear splitting screech from the rusted hinges (seemingly) and after they had entered the barren room, with the dingy window, spider webbed corner, and hewn oak table, the door closed powered on a breeze (seemingly).

  Miguel waited a moment before walking through the rear wall. There was no resistance of course from the projection and he walked a short distance through a featureless hall and downgrade followed by Jack and soon the men faced a rock face. Miguel paused, smiled at Jack and the two of them stepped through that also.

  The cavern was immense. Party music banged away but was muted allowing for a later crescendo. On the left and in the far distance the tram landing could be seen where guests from around the world would arrive. The far wall of the single room was hundreds of yards away and dimmed with distance. In the space between there were tables set to receive massive amounts of foods. All manner of personal games were arrayed about the space from pools, waterfalls, stages, cushions, swings and contraptions of many sorts. To the right was the exposed part of the kitchens and hallways interspersed. Jack had been here before, even just for the tram connection, and knew the walls led to rooms that could be used for a more private interchange.

  Few of the guests had arrived as of yet. Mona, a statuesque blonde whom had never married and was a staple at as many of these parties as she could find, had commandeered prime real estate and leered seductively at the two newcomers. Neither of the men knew her well but Jack wasn't so sure as he hadn't always remained sober on all occasions. Her two ever present Irish Wolfhounds sat obediently on either side of her. Permission wasn't needed to modify dogs, as it was needed to genetically enhance human beings, and Jack knew these male dogs to be very smart and very obliging. Jack gave her a wave but didn't respond further to the invitation now grown lurid.

  Miguel ignored Mona beyond a brusque wave and seemed to be falling behind Jack. Although the guests hadn't arrived in force the bots were activated. Born on an automated ship he had had only Estelle and robots for company in his early years. No doubt they could imitate human behavior, indistinguishable, but they were still robots.

  Two blankish bots were off in the distance preparing arrangements on the food table when they broke off and began to approach. Jack didn't notice until they had covered half the distance. They seemed to morph as they walked and Jack began to amble in their general direction as he watched them. He recognized them now as Christine and Charlie, two data banks with which he was familiar. Not only did they adapt to his taste as they neared – the exact height and weight and skin tone and eye color – but they affected the attitudes that amused him.

  Christine was sultry and had the air of infinite wisdom of a sexual nature and always needed validation of her wiles. Jack could have asked the ever present AI in his head for the information about the release of phenomes and odors and movement ratios that were previously recorded to be of his interest and mechanically replayed to interest him but (duh) he didn't.

  These weren't the contraptions of TV even before the hillbillies (My Living Doll with Julie Newmar and Robert Cummings) and they knew their business. Their ministrations were so subtle that they didn't appear stupid or cloying with their constant inflation of his ego, among other things. Their soft bodies of perfect proportion and radiant health effused interest into every movement. Their attention was for him and for him only; well Christine's attention was. But Christine ignored Charlie's presence which seemed to aggravate Charlie which pointed to a greater connection that a scurrilous male might be able to exploit.

  At first they accidently bumped up against him in greeting, Charlie trying her best to outdo her partner Christine. They both maneuvered Miguel away from Jack in their desire to be near their long lost love, Jack.

  They needed him and they needed him bad. Christine didn't know how long she would be able to wait and Charlie, seeing her friend in the beginnings of lust, angled away from Jack for a moment to massage the ache that was growing in Christine. Christine gave her attention to Charlie for a moment to thank her in an obvious way for her attentions before turning back to Jack whose attention was rising.

  "It should be a good party" Miguel called as he allowed himself to be led away by the newly arrived swim team. Jack smiled.

  Note from John;

  Well, I hope you enjoyed this introduction to the future
. The miracles in store for us are indescribable yet they will become common place. We will still be living day to day in the world we create.

  Maybe your curiosity was piqued with the mention of the family tree for Jack and Estelle. That can be found in the Hard Jack anthology. Any of the three books can be considered stand alone.

  Hard Jack

  Hard Jack Junior

  Hard Jack III

  I would offer a link but some publications frown on the mention of offsite venues. The books are easily found – as am I if you would like to share.

  Although the books are fiction I am trained in artificial intelligence and expert systems. It isn't that big of a deal – the emulators do not live but have capabilities.

  However, I wouldn't be surprised if other civilizations have visited here before. Their cultures could have missed ours by thousands or millions of years. They may have left a relic or two – maybe even one that thinks.